Bring the phone into any Apple shop and inquire whether the charger is the one that came with it and if the phone is still covered under warranty. If there was a manufacturing defect, the item should be replaced without charge. You would be charged if it was caused by misuse.

How can Apple store replace broken chargers electronics free? 

The charger must have been acquired within a year of replacement, and there cannot be any visible physical symptoms of damage to it or any other Apple product. 

Does AppleCare cover my chargers?

Wear and tear exterior damage, theft and even product loss are all covered if your product is covered by AppleCare. After your first year, AppleCare can also be renewed. It’s also vital to understand the scope of your coverage because every Apple product has a distinct AppleCare warranty, including MacBooks, watches, phones, and even the specific model number you own. It is quite simple to get Apple store replace broken chargers electronics free.

How To Get Apple Store Replaces Broken Chargers electronics free. If You Do Not Have Apple Care?

First Step: Making a Genius Bar appointment. The section where knowledgeable Apple staff members assist you with any issues is often toward the back of the store. To avoid having to wait in the store, you may alternatively phone and make an appointment.  

Second Step: Don’t forget to bring the original receipt with you. You must present your receipt within a year after purchase if you are requesting to have a stand-alone product replaced. (Except for gadgets with serial numbers; if you’ve lost your receipt, staff may check things up. ) 

Third Step: Meet with an employee to try and pinpoint the issue. Just keep in mind that chargers cannot be physically or externally damaged. Apple will replace your goods as soon as an employee determines that there was a manufacturing issue after testing it.  

Fourth Step: You get to take your new charger or gadget home, delighted!

How long does an iPhone charger last? 

On average, an iPhone charger lasts one year in perfect working condition. After one year or so, the cable part near the port starts fraying. In severe circumstances, the conductors inside the cable sheath may be seen. Using the cable becomes risky at that point. 

Don’t wait until your charger is no longer functional or poses a risk to your safety. Purchase a new charger from an authorized reseller or the official Apple Store. Of course, some people have successfully used the same charger for years on end without experiencing any problems. How you use your iPhone charger will also affect how long it lasts.

How can I prevent my iPhone charger from breaking?

The charger and the cord will deteriorate more quickly if you charge your iOS iPhone twice or even three times every day. If the cable is often bent, the internal wire will likewise bend back and forth. This will make the cable weaker and more likely to break. 

The charger must then be kept in a location with good ventilation. Avoid setting it up in direct sunlight on a windowsill. Keep it out of the car so it doesn’t roast in the sun. Avoid placing it close to heat sources or in locations with high air moisture.

What should I do if my Apple Charger is broken/faulty?

Although sleek and fashionable, iPhone chargers have a propensity to break quickly. Because of this, many customers choose to buy a third-party charger to replace the damaged one. 

Make sure the charger is Apple approved if you intend to do the same. Avoid buying unauthorized or fake chargers. Your iPhone might sustain long-term harm from such gadgets. 

In addition, fake chargers frequently overheat, making it difficult to sync your data. Others even won’t fit correctly inside your iPhone. Or, even worse, some can melt on your desk due to a short circuit.


It has been established that Apple store replace broken chargers electronics free, there are several conditions. It has to have been bought within a year of the complaint and the issue must be a manufacturer problem and must not have any visible damage to it. To keep using your iPhone, you’ll need to purchase a new charger if you misplace it or it breaks. Several kinds of chargers, including the original Apple charger, are sold by Apple through its website and approved retail locations. You can also get iPhone-compatible chargers at many other places. Verify that the charger, not the phone, is broken to get a replacement from Apple for a broken charger.

Where can I buy Apple Chargers?

A wide variety of electronics and department stores sell chargers that work with the iPhone. You may purchase at an authorized Apple merchant, an Apple Store, or on Apple’s online store if you prefer an Apple-branded charger or one of the brands Apple suggests. Make careful you use the right plug type for your model of iPhone while changing the charging cable and power adapter because Apple changed the port starting with the iPhone 5.