A report on Fone Frenzy (who?) claims Verizon Wireless CEO, Lowell McAdam has visited Apple HQ “several times”, adding that Apple is testing a CDMA iPhone on the Verizon 4G LTE network. “The tests have been taking place for the last couple of months and but with no confirmation on the release date,” this report claims. A report on the report published on MacTouchUser also makes the claim that Apple and Verizon are testing a tablet prototype on the network, citing an old BusinessWeek article. Given continued complaints at AT&T’s US 3G coverage, some grist to this particular rumour is granted by the fact that Verizon has already begun putting together 4G infrastructure, set for mass market introduction next year. 4G is ten times faster than 3G, has better security and other features to attract. All this must be put through the other recent claims that Apple and AT&T have hitched up an extension of their existing exclusivity, which could make for no deal detente between Apple and Verizon at this time. Also, we’re by no means certain of the veracity of the Fone Frenzy claim.