Apple has updated the Apple Online Store portal for tracking your orders with a fresh new look, befitting the more modern iOS and macOS aesthetics with bold fonts and large photos. Recently purchased products are now illustrated with large product imagery, and you can click through to a much cleaner details view than what they had before.

The refresh is a long overdue and was much needed. The pages had been neglected for several years and featured iOS 6-style gradients and buttons … until now.

You can now quickly browse through your recent orders from the Apple Store, with thumbnails and delivery dates instantly visible. Clicking on one of these products opens a similarly-redesigned order details page.

Eschewing dated design elements like bezeled buttons, the new order details page uses a horizontal timeline to indicate how far along your product is to shipping. You can also scroll down to see delivery info and payment information for the order.

For the first time, the order details pages use mobile responsive designs. On iPhone, all the various sections collapse into a simple horizontal scrolling viewport — no zooming or panning required.