Based on the most recent verdict in Apple v. Samsung, Apple is attempting to seek a permanent injunction against any Samsung device that infringes upon its patents.

While this includes the devices that were at the center of the latest court case, it also includes “software or code capable of implementing any Infringing Feature, and/or any feature not more than colorably different therefrom,” which could be construed to mean current and even future devices.

Considering the success rate of Apple’s attempted injunctions against Android OEMs, the chances of this going through seem minimal. Judge Lucy Koh has been reluctant to grant either Samsung or Apple any type of major win over the other, and the appeals courts have been even less friendly to either company.

With Google and Apple having announced that they will not be fighting each other in court, Apple’s disputes with Samsung may also soon be resolved. While the Galaxy brand has matured into a solid competitor to the iPhone, Apple believes that Samsung built its Galaxy line by ripping off the iPhone. Regardless, it doesn’t seem likely that the courts will play ball with Apple’s latest injunction filing.