Apple is speaking out against the Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to repeal efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Reuters reports. In a new filing, Apple cites “increased investment uncertainty” for the company and its supplier partners if the Clean Power Plan is reversed.

The Clean Power Plan was originally proposed by the previous EPA under President Obama back in 2014. President Trump signed an executive order to review the plan, however, and later decided the Clean Power Plan would not be implemented.

Apple, which says it runs its U.S. operations fully on renewable energy such as wind and solar power, added that repeal of the plan would also threaten development and investments that have already been made in renewable power.

Apple further cites competition with China that would be jeopardized if the plan to curb carbon emissions is repealed. Before filing today’s company statement, Apple shared publicly last summer that it was committed to the goals of the Clean Power Plan regardless of whether the current administration would enforce it.

Apple was among several major technology companies who originally backed the environmental effort back in 2016 after the EPA under the previous administration received pushback on the plan. The Clean Power Plan has never been enacted, however, due to legal challenges against it.

Reuters notes that the current EPA has responded to Apple’s filing by saying it “will be considering the comments” as it crafts future policy.