[Update 10/27: Apple Pay through American Express in Canada and Australia coming this year; Spain, Singapore, and Hong Kong next year.]

Apple Watch may have first launched all the way back in April, but the roll out in more countries around the world is still taking place. Availability for India now appears to have an official date with Apple’s website confirming a release scheduled for early next month on November 6th.

Details are limited on Apple Watch pricing and retail availability just yet, as only the date has been added to the India listing. The news comes as Apple CEO Tim Cook met with India’s Prime Minister last month, discussing Apple Pay and possibly bringing Apple Stores to the country, which would require manufacturing in the country, where Apple currently relies on resellers for distribution.

While Apple Watch is set to hit even more countries, signs that the Apple Pay could be expanding too have surfaced…

A year since launching, Apple Pay is currently only available in the United States and United Kingdom. The UK roll out in July marked the first international expansion since Apple Pay first launched in the US last October.

Reports have put both Canada and China as next for Apple Pay’s debut with a Canadian bank even listing the service as coming soon on its website.

Apple Maps may be the latest to offer hints at where Apple Pay could be coming next, however, as listings for businesses with Apple Pay support have been spotted around Australia where the mobile payment service is not yet available.

[tweet https://twitter.com/BeauGiles/status/656923353551278082 align=’center’]

iOS 9 added Apple Pay badges to partnered businesses to promote Apple Pay availability, and several readers have mentioned seeing these badges in Australia recently.

Back in the US, Apple Pay rolled out to over 70 more banks and credit unions across the country earlier this week.

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