Apple has long been known to extravagantly deck out its own retail stores with eye-catching window displays featuring flagship products at key times, and unsurprisingly it’s treating the 24 window displays that wrap around Selfridges’ high-end retail store in London just the same. Profiled today by, the massive display of detailed floral shots easily catches the attention of window shoppers to advertise the Apple Watch. The profile also shows previous themes used by Apple to advertise the Apple Watch’s availability at the high-end retailer and includes some interesting details about the display as well:

Apple previously detailed the effort that went in to creating the Motion Apple Watch faces, including jellyfish, in a profile with Wired. Apple’s Special Project VP Paul Deneve said this about the display:

The ambitious installation comprises a remarkable 24 large, 50 medium and 5,525 small flowers, plus 240 slightly larger ‘small-plus’ flowers, each created via different methods. For example, the large and medium flowers were crafted from cast resin, while the smaller components were 3D printed.

Apple Watch debuted in late April in select countries at Apple Retail Stores and limited other retailers including Selfridges. Earlier today we noted even more retailers aside from the Apple Store starting to carry the Apple Watch around the world.

Check out the full profile on for more images and details.