Following the try-on appointments that allowed 15 minutes hands-on time with an Apple Watch (or an hour for the Edition), Apple is offering Apple Watch Basics workshops at selected retail stores. Appointments can be booked now, and the earliest workshops take place on the official (or perhaps now unofficial) launch date of 24th April.

It’s unlikely many people will have received their Apple Watch by this date, and you won’t be able to buy one in-store before June, but if the tutorial videos or unofficial cheat-sheet still leave you wanting more, the workshops seem a good opportunity to get to grips with the new device … 

So far, the stores offering the workshop appear fairly random, and there’s no obvious way to find out which stores offer them other than trial-and-error. From the retail store list, search for a store and then select Workshops on the store’s page to find out whether Apple Watch Basics is listed. If it is, you can go ahead and book an appointment from there.

Appointments are also available through the Stores tab of the Apple Store app, but it’s again trial-and-error to find store that offer them. We’re guessing the workshops will be added to further stores between now and the 24th.