Randall Park joins the cast of Aquaman during reshoots. Warner Bros. is still looking to firmly establish their DC movie universe, and don’t appear to be slowing down after Justice League. Even though 2018 only has one DC movie on the release calendar, the one it holds is highly anticipated. Jason Momoa was one of the biggest stars of Justice League, and audiences don’t have to wait long to see his corner of the DC universe expand.

Aquaman is hitting theaters this Christmas, and while it reportedly tested very well already, it is currently undergoing standard reshoots for a blockbuster of this size. The pickups are only meant to improve on the previous cut of the movie, even if it means making some changes. Those changes can even include new cast members.

Director James Wan just revealed on Twitter that Aquaman added a new character during reshoots. As seen in the photo below, Fresh Off The Boat star Randall Park has joined the cast as Doctor Stephen Shin. Park’s inclusion appears to be a new development, and will give him two comic book movie roles this year since he’s also costarring in Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man & The Wasp.

So happy and fortunate to be finally working with this man, @parkrandall, on pickups. #DrShin pic.twitter.com/q95PFEUSC2— James Wan (@creepypuppet) April 12, 2018

Announcing Park as part of the cast is one thing, but it’s also nice of Wan to reveal who he is playing. Doctor Stephen Shin has a complicated relationship with Arthur Curry in the comics. He was a friend to Arthur when he was a boy and helped him learn to master his powers. But, Shin becomes obsessed with knowing more about where Curry really comes from and wanted to learn much more about Atlantis. When Arthur refuses to give him the information he asks for, Shin attempted to kill the future hero.

With Shin now known to be part of the movie’s plot, it appears as though part of the focus of these reshoots is giving Arthur’s origin and upbringing more attention. Even though audiences got to meet Aquaman in Justice League, the Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon film only briefly touched on where he came from or what Atlantis is like. Since many people will still have questions about Aquaman heading into the solo film, this could be a smart addition to the movie.

Park is a likable actor, so it will be interesting to see if he brings Shin’s darker side to life or if Shin has a healthier relationship with Arthur as he grows older. Whatever the case may be, Shin being added during reshoots should mean he doesn’t have a major role to play. However, that doesn’t mean his potentially limited screen time won’t be important to the film as a whole.

MORE: Black Manta Actor Happy With Aquaman Footage

Source: James Wan

  • Aquaman Release Date: 2018-12-21 Wonder Woman 2 Release Date: 2020-12-25 Shazam! Release Date: 2019-04-05