Fans of TV creator Adam Reed’s uproariously immature, adult-oriented animated series Archer are likely well acquainted by now with the program’s eponymous secret agent Sterling Archer, as voiced by H. Jon Benjamin (Bob’s Burgers), whose antics from episode-to-episode primarily revolve around various satirical reincarnations of popular tropes of the spy-thriller film genre. The show has made quite the name for itself since premiering on FX in 2010, and has since become a go-to staple within the marketplace of cartoon series developed for grownups.

In the Archer season 7 trailer, the TV show’s well known cast of characters were seen cavorting in mock tribute to the classic 1980s crime drama series Magnum P.I., replete with Benjamin’s eponymous playboy sporting a mustache fit to make even the likes of Tom Selleck jealous. Now, in the latest bit of promotional footage for the show, Reed has his sights set on yet another classic property that shares certain ties to his own animated TV series.

Featured in the above spot developed exclusively for EW, Sterling Archer is tasked with the formidable assignment of reviewing every James Bond film for the premiere entertainment publication - which he does with all of the debonair attitude and smug self-confidence that has become a staple of Reed’s creation. While drinking from a perpetually refilled glass of certain alcoholic libation, Archer goes on to detail each and every Bond film’s truncated plot trajectories, before passing pithy judgement on happenings and superficialities as mundane and trivial as Sean Connery’s scrawny arms to Robert Shaw’s distractingly small nipples.

As a piece of further satire, with its biting sights set on English novelist Ian Fleming’s iconic secret agent, Archer has just accomplished another feat of daring lampoon that equally lacerates another well-known spy-thriller franchise. After making light of the cocaine-fueled excesses of 1980s TV shows like Miami Vice in the past, Reed and the ever inimitable voice acting talent that is H. Jon Benjamin have made something out of the 007 legacy that may well prove to be the very best bit of comic reinvention to be had since Mike Myer’s first turned heads in theaters as Austin Powers.

If the latest bits and pieces of footage leading up to the season 7 of Archer prove to be in keeping with the content of the series proper, than longtime viewers should be in for a real treat when Sterling Archer returns to the small screen later this week. For now, fans of Reed’s original spy-thriller comedy can gaze back into oo7’s past through the convoluted eyes of his show’s perennially offensive, bad boy secret agent.

Archer returns with season 7 on March 31st, 2016.

Source: EW