Perfume production companies have been blaming third-party merchants for years since they have been known to take advantage of perfume lovers looking for a great deal on pricey beauty perfumes by selling similar products online or in small perfume stores or kiosks. 

Now to the hot topic, are all beauty perfumes real? The simple answer is No! Not all beauty perfumes are real. Some are fake!

Beauty perfume lovers like you need to know how to identify when your perfumes are real or not, to avoid harming yourself and others with their contents. The following information about fake perfumes is important to keep in mind as you go about shopping for your beauty perfumes. 

Firstly, what defines a real beauty perfume?

A real beauty perfume is a perfume that is a perfect replica of the original scent and that a fragrance company has produced after buying the rights from the original scent’s creator. The term “real” beauty perfume is also used to describe beauty perfumes that have not been tampered with and still smell like the original (authentic) fragrance that you love and previously purchased. Only certain legalized perfume companies are permitted to produce real beauty perfumes.

How do counterfeit perfumes vary from real ones? Here are some examples of how fake beauty perfume differs from real perfumes: 

  1. The fake perfume smells terrible and lasts just briefly.

  2. The price of fake perfume is ridiculously cheap, while the price of real perfume is moderately reasonable. Since synthetic chemicals are used to produce fake perfume, you frequently get what you pay for because even a brief whiff of the perfume can result in headaches, allergic responses, and skin rashes. Women have reportedly developed kidney issues after using fake perfumes that include urine and animal dung.

  3. Natural extracts and oils from plants like jasmine, rose, and orange blossom, among others, are used in authentic perfume notes to produce a scent that lasts for a long time.

  4. Chemicals in synthetic perfume notes including linalool, coumarin, and phthalates, among others, can give users of fake perfume headaches and skin rashes if they use it regularly for years. 

  5. Companies that produce real perfume acquire the rights to produce it. Perfume manufacturing is protected by laws like copyrights and trademarks, therefore real perfume companies should have received permission to produce their fragrances. As a result, it is illegal for distributors or third-party retailers to sell designer fragrances without first obtaining permission from the manufacturer or perfume company that created them.

  6. Fake perfumes (also known as fake scents or counterfeit fragrances) only resemble actual perfumes in terms of their perfume name, perfume container, and fragrant notes. Since they were produced at a low cost and with no requirement for quality, they have no resemblance to the actual perfume.


Having gone through the aforementioned precautions thoroughly, it is now up to you to choose the fragrance that best meets your requirements. Please do some research on the company’s location and whether they are authorized retailers of the brand or designer perfume that you wish to buy before making a purchase. The brand’s official website is always the safest place to purchase beauty perfumes. If not, continue with caution as there can be fake goods being offered by unlicensed vendors who don’t give a damn about the safety and wellbeing of their buyers.

How can I tell whether my perfume is authentic? 

Check the packaging for the barcode. The barcode must be located on the lowest back half, not the sides. Check to see if there is any additional tape or glue, and that’s all. The container of real perfume shouldn’t have any unpleasant adhesive residue or additional tape. 

When does perfume go bad? 

Both perfume and aftershave expire. The chemical makeup of the perfume will, however, determine how long they stay. Many colognes can last anywhere from one to ten years without having an established expiration date.

Do clothes or skin retain perfume longer? 

Compared to your skin, your clothes will retain perfume longer. A fantastic option is to spray some perfume on your clothes or scarf to extend the scent of your fragrance. But be careful as some scents, particularly those that are more powerful and have a deeper, ambery color, might leave stains on your clothing.