Maybe you’re wondering if we actually hire because you saw our ad running on Reddit, or on Facebook, or maybe you saw someone sharing an odd job we’re hiring for… Wherever you saw us first, rest assured that yes, we are legit with a budget for freelancers & staff writers. All of our content is written by writers who are paid for their writing. And we hire a lot of writers, because we’re constantly covering new games/shows/fandoms. At times we’ve even brought on people for other stuff too, like to help with: – Broad editorial work – Capturing specific in-game screenshots – Helping us learn more about certain fandoms But talk is cheap right? Well one of our past writers (Veronika Jel) actually wrote about their experience finding our ad on Reddit, and about their experience writing for us. It’s a great read! Here’s a quick snippet from her article (mirrored here):

Then I’d cry because back then, this would seem like a dream that could never come true. I’d think you were mocking me by even suggesting it. Yet here I am. Thriving in a job I actually enjoy. All thanks to Reddit.

And along with that, here’s a little social proof on Twitter from some of our past & present writers: Tweet source – @LeonDeclis Tweet source – @JeremyHanna753 Tweet source – @bratya_nobles All that said, if you’re still unsure about anything specific then you can always contact us to get more info.